How do I restart a rhythm of intercession?
Why bother? Will it make any difference?
“Intercession is a way of loving others.” – Richard J. Foster
“No man can do me a truer kindness in this world than to pray for me.” – Charles Spurgeon
“I’ve got no time!”
Hmmm… When do I regularly do something that needs no brainpower?
- Mowing the lawn (grass!)
- Driving to/from work
- Cleaning the house
- Walking, with or without the dog
- Going to the loo in the night 😉
OK, who should I pray for? My family? Who else?
- Political Leaders and kings – and not just in the UK! (1 Timothy 2:1-2)
- Sick friends (James 5:15)
- The people I don’t like and who don’t like me! ☹ (Matthew 5:44)
Does it have to be every day?
No… just start with a couple of days – every time you do the cleaning, go for a walk, hang up the washing. …Or maybe your morning coffee in your favourite chair 😊
How do I keep going?
Just like anything else that we know will do us good, we can make it a habit – just like those 10,000 steps… or the using the stairs and not the lift… or having decaf in the evenings… or… !
Does science prove that prayer works?
Well, you decide – read this Prayer and healing: A medical and scientific perspective on randomized controlled trials – PMC ( It’s not the final word but it’s fascinating.
I’m going to start praying every Tuesday on the way to work – that’s all – I think I can do that 😊
Have a Go
Why not try and use an intercession prayer diary? Here are some example layouts but be creative!