On Sunday David read out the names of Jesus in the Bible and asked us to pick one that stood out to us, reflect on it, and then see if we could see anything of that aspect of Jesus in the people around us, to encourage each other, as we now have ‘Christ in Us’ – Romans 8:9-11 Click on the link below to see a list of names for Jesus in the Bible:
On Sunday, we looked at a passage from Jude. Watch the overview of this book below. Watch Read ‘But you, dear friends, carefully build yourselves up in this most holy faith by praying in the Read more…
On Sunday, we gathered to pray against the traps of leadership* for our new Prime Minister and governing party, after the general election results last Thursday. Here is the list in case you missed it Read more…
Judy opened the Celebration by sharing what the word celebration means: Reflect: the chorus of Worthy Is The Lamb (Hillsong): “Worthy is the LambSeated on the throneCrown You now with many crownsYou reign victoriousHigh and Read more…