That first Easter, the Risen Jesus met his disciples and, by his gentle questions ‘homed’ in on where they were at and with what they were struggling with. Questions such as:
“Why are you crying?”
“Why are you so confused?”
“Why are you so full of doubt?”
“Do you truly love me?”
In asking these thought provoking questions, he allowed them to be honest and, through that honesty, help and healing came.
This is true for us too. Whatever we struggle with, the Risen Jesus knows our hearts and we can be honest as we meet with him. He is the one who can walk beside us and help us see things in a new way and bring fresh hope when we open our hearts to him (in total honesty).
Can you hear him calling your name as Mary did that first Easter morning?
Go Deeper: reflect on the below story and image
Below excerpt taken from:
“RIP Jesus?
And a hush settles on Hades. It’s been a funny few days. The one in charge so much busier than usual – rushing about, getting involved in affairs upstairs in a much more direct way than normal.
Of course, he’s always been more interested in what goes on up in the daylight. Down here, he’s happy to leave security to the underlings. Not that this is really his domain, of course. This is just the holding camp. The transit station, where they wait to be moved on to the “delights” ahead. Still, the gates still hold firm. And himself was ever so pleased to welcome his latest “guests”. Though he’s still looking around for a rebel he seems to have mislaid. Not normal, losing them. Still, we’re awaiting the heretic rabbi now. The one who’s been causing all the fuss. We nailed him in the end.
When there’s a knock at the door. No need, mate, it opens inwards fine. Just give it a push.
No, I said a push, not a bash. Someone must be really keen to get in. They normally have to be dragged down.
Well, not a bash a… a smash? A ripping. A splintering. And the sound of the doors being thrown about the place. Ricocheting off the walls. And there’s people heading out. Where do they think they’re going? Don’t they know that’s one-way? Or would be, if the doors were still there. What a mess. They’re all heading out into that light. Past the “NO EXIT” sign. Can’t they read? Why’s the boss not doing anything about it? He’s gonna be furious. Oh. He’s sprawling there with someone’s sandal across his throat. That heretic rabbi’s sandal.
An echo dies away, the sound of a billion voices.
“He descended to the dead. On the third day….”
Peaceful again. Still, the rabbi’s gone, and we’ve still plenty here.
Shame the doors got so smashed. What an utter state. It’ll take eternity to patch that up. But, you can stay here if you want to.
But why would you want to? What am I thinking? Wait for me…..”
Gustave Doré – La Vallée de larmes Gustave Doré – image Public Domain File:Gustave Doré – La Vallée de larmes.jpg Created: 1883