Our youth groups give young people a space to catch up with friends and navigate life together. There will be time for interactive discussions about wellbeing as well as simply having fun together.

Warm & Dry is a space for young people to enjoy time together somewhere warm and dry. This group has a very open and relaxed structure that gives friends a great opportunity to catch up on their week. Please get in touch with us for more information.
Age range: Secondary
When: Every Friday during term time, 6 – 7.30pm
Where: The Lighthouse, Eckington
Each Monday night our building in Dronfield is open for young people to come along and enjoy time together. There will be games, baking, crafts, and also discussions for them to get involved in. We believe in supporting young people through what can be a difficult time for them. So, most weeks there will be a space for them to talk through life with their friends and be supported by our leaders. We also have discussions about our faith, relationships, school, and our well-being.

Age range: Year 7 – Sixth Form or College
When: Every Monday during term time, 7 – 8.30pm
Where: Oaks Community Church, Dronfield